How-to Guide

Smart Daily Light


Humans evolved in the presence of natural daily cycles of light, in its various forms, and darkness. Now, however, most of us spend the majority of the daytime indoors under artificial light. After sundown, we are getting more light, and different types of light, than our ancestors did. As a result of this evening artificial light, we are thereby getting less exposure to darkness, too.

Light provides very important signals to the successful functioning of the body. This guide shows you how to get better light exposure while living in the modern world.


Aim to mimic a pattern of natural light and darkness exposure across a 24-hour period. We can do this by:

  • Adjusting Behavior: Get time outside when you can every day. The natural light you get from being outside is the perfect type of light you need for that time of day. You don’t need to be outside all day long to be your healthiest but, as a general rule, be outdoors at least 30-60 minutes every day.
  • Designing Indoor Spaces: Make it so that your indoor light, at any time of day, is more like the light outside at that moment in the day. In the evening, make it so the tone of light entering the eye is similar to the tone of light from fire.
  • Configuring Devices: In modern life, we spend a remarkable amount of our day staring at light-emitting screens. We can now adjust device settings, or modern bulb settings, so that the light entering into the eye is more appropriate for the time of day.
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