How-to Guide

Flash Diet

Diet Guidelines

Food and Prep

  • Lean protein and vegetables are the primary foods.*
  • Each meal should contain 2-4 servings of non-starchy vegetables.*
  • Up to 1 teaspoon of fat/ meal (total) can be added to vegetables.
  • Favor low-heat cooking methods such as stewing, steaming, boiling, poaching, or “sautéing” in a pan with bit of water and the lid on.
  • Drink 5 glasses of fluid per day (water, tea, herbal tea, or unsweetened coffee).
  • One day a week, eat (almost) anything you’d like, but practice moderation.
  • After 2 weeks, introduce two servings of fresh whole fruit per day, and up to 2 whole eggs/ day.

* You can find the recommended FLASH diet protein list here and learn more about it in our FLASH Diet Course

Lifestyle Guidelines

Physical Activity

Maintain an Activity Score of 100% or greater. This score combines:

Daily Steps: Walk 10K steps per day (or set another step goal that is right for you under settings).

Weekly Exercise: Any exercise that you like to do can be easily captured in our Activity Tracker (tutorial).


Hit your bedtime and sleep period duration goals in the sleep tracker:

Duration in Bed: Be in bed for the amount of time you need to feel rested.

Sleep Timing: Maintain consistent timing of when you go to bed and when you wake up.

Smart Light Rhythm: Expose yourself to bright daylight for at least 30 minutes a day. In the evening, dim the lights to reduce overall light intensity and consider using blue blocking glasses or amber-toned light bulbs two hours from bedtime. At night, keep your sleep environment cool, quiet, comfortable, and dark.

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